Kinship Care Help Line: 604-558-4740 • 1-855-474-9777
Historical Background
The first parents’ anonymous group in North America is established by Bill McFarland and the Vancouver Children’s Aid Society.
A group of parents start a Parents in Crisis group which spreads to communities throughout the Lower Mainland
Parents In Crisis (PIC) – later renamed Parent Support Services Society of BC (PSS) – is incorporated
The BC Provincial Government declares PIC (PSS) the umbrella organization for self-help groups for the prevention of child abuse
PIC (PSS) develops multicultural programming and collaborates with Indigenous communities (to develop programs that suit their unique needs)
PIC (PSS) develops circles in different languages with the support of steering committees. PIC (PSS) is involved in the development of the Child, Family and Community Services Act
Steering committees develop in various locations around the Lower Mainland
Name of organization changes to Parent Support Services Society of BC (PSS) to better reflect the positive solution focused work of the organization
The first Grandparent Raising Grandchildren Circle begins
The first Grand Gathering is held in Victoria, and the first edition of the Village newsletter and resource guide for Northern BC is published
PSS initiates the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Legal Research Project in partnership with the University of Victoria
The first Nature camp for Grandfamilies takes place on Galiano Island (later called Galiano Nature Camp)
PSS publishes the GRG Legal Guide; PSS is presented with the Distinguished Services to Families Award
The GRG Support Line is launched providing legal and social support to GRG and kinship caregivers
PSS celebrates our 40th anniversary; The first Parent Support Circle is established for fathers in prison; PSS marches in the Pride parade for the first time, and staff attend Queer competency training
Grandparent Raising Grandchildren: Telling Our Stories documentary is released; the first annual Grandparents Day family awareness raising events take place; Director of Circles and Community Development of PSS – Bella Cenezero – is given the Bhayana Family Foundation Innovation Award
PSS Social Worker and PSS Lawyer are jointly presented with Field of Practice Awards for Outstanding Work in the Field of Child and Youth Advocacy from the BC Association of Social Workers; A partnership is formed with the Indigenous Community Legal Clinic – UBC Allard School of Law, Workshops on the Intersection of Kinship care, MCFD policies and Legal Matters are launched in the Lower Mainland – for Indigenous Service Providers; PSS certified as a Living Wage Employer
Circles are formed in collaboration with the BC Autism Society for families of children on the autism spectrum; and for families with children who are trans or gender creative. Staff attends Truth and Reconciliation training; Workshops on the Intersection of Kinship care, MCFD policies and Legal Matters are expanded and held for frontline social workers, legal advocates, family lawyers, others.
Support Line staff visited Indigenous communities, with funding from the Law Foundation of BC, to provide legal workshops for those who provide service to Indigenous kinship caregivers.
The 10th year of Galiano Nature Camp for kinship care families takes place
In February, the Provincial Budget announces that almost 2500 families would benefit from increased caregiver pay-outs, a small percentage of all kinship caregivers – but welcomed by those who received it. Staff members – Carol Madsen, Christina Campbell, Jane Bouey, Board member – Louise Costello, and two grandparents attended the announcement, and relayed kinship caregiver concerns to the Minister.
Parent Support Services launches a major research study into the State of Kinship Care in BC. Funded by the Law Foundation and the Victoria Foundation – and done in partnership with the University of Northern BC’s School of Social Work.
Danella Angus (Tsimshian name: Sm git ‘tlgoosgm xsgyiik) is hired for the newly created position Parenting Program Coordinator (Indigenous Communities), Lower Mainland – funded by the Vancity Community Foundation.
COVID 19 pandemic hits, PSS moves Circles online. Program staff organizes online Parenting Book Clubs and various other online workshops. Galiano Nature Camp held online. Volunteer facilitator training moved online.
State of Kinship Care in BC research report completed
Kinship Families Mobilize for Change 3 year project begins. Funded by the Vancouver Foundation, this project utilizes the findings of the research to provide data for kinship caregivers to advocate for their children. The project empowers kinship families to work for system change.
Indigenous Support Circles set up. Other Indigenous focused events take place.
Pandemic still in place for 2nd year. Majority of programming remains online, with new events such as Mini Button Blanket Making, Murray Porter Concert, and other Indigenous-focused events taking place.
The Support Line organizes Indigenous Child Welfare Workshops (Strengthening Indigenous Legal Authority Over Child Welfare: Kinship Care and Bill C-92)
Our longest continuous circle is in Mount Pleasant Vancouver and has been running for 30 years. Throughout the entire history of Parents in Crisis and Parent Support Services Society of BC, families and whole communities across the province have benefited from the generosity of our volunteer facilitators, parenting educators, funders, donors and community partners in our collective work to create “a world where all children and their families are nurtured, valued and safe”.
Parent Support Services Society of BC