RESP Workshop – May 27th

PSS and Vancouver Island University are working together to provide a virtual workshop for parents and kinship caregivers on RESP – 5 things you need to know to get started from home. May 27th @ 7:30 pm The workshop will…

Join our steering committees!

Are you someone who loves to support their local communities? Are you a part of the following communities in the Lower Mainland: Hispanic/Spanish, Chinese, or Filipino? We are looking for Volunteer Steering Committee Members! Connect with others, strengthen your community,…

Indigenous Support Circle

Are you a Parent, Grandparent Raising Grandchildren, Kinship Caregiver or a Relative Raising a Relatives Child?Do you or the children that you are raising self-identify as Indigenous? Are you looking for a Support Circle that is:Culturally SafeNon judgementalConfidentialPeer to Peer…

Pink Shirt Day British Columbia

Today is Pink Shirt Day in British Columbia, where across the province, we unite to celebrate diversity and raise awareness to stop bullying in all its forms, including homophobic and transphobic bullying. The International Day of Pink got its start…