Kinship Care Help Line: 604-558-4740 • 1-855-474-9777
Parent Support Services Newsletter
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Kinship Care Help Line: 604-558-4740 • 1-855-474-9777
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Join us on Zoom for our Grandparents Raising Grandchildren & Kinship Caregivers Grand Gathering Northern BC/Interior event: Self-Care strategies for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren & Kinship Caregivers! Time: Monday, February 8th, 2021 at 10:00 am To register, visit Grandparents Raising…
Parent Support Services Society of BC is pleased to learn that our 2016 recipient of the Bill McFarland Award, Ardith Walkem, Q.C Lawyer at Cedar and Sage Law Corporation in Chilliwack, is appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Parent…
Interested in reading and discussing some of today’s best selling parenting books? Join our online Parenting Book Club starting February 2021! To Join, visit OR email: – Registration ends January 15, 2021 Our next book is: “No-Drama Discipline”…
Interested in reading and discussing some of today’s best selling parenting books? Join our upcoming Prince George Parenting Book Club via Zoom and on our Facebook group! To Join, visit OR email, or call: 1-877-345-9777 ext.1
Self-care while parenting in a pandemic – Tuesday, December 15 at 8 pm Join us for a discussion about the importance of self care. You matter! We share some self care tips, explore ways to release stress and manage personal…
PSS Indigenous Circles is currently seeking online volunteer facilitators for our parent & grandparents raising grandchildren circles. For more information/to apply, please contact Danella Angus at, or see attached flyer.
Join our Kamloops Grandparent & Kinship Care Circle online via Zoom, every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7 pm! For information and to register, visit: or call: GRG Support Line: 1-855-474-9777 OR Cynthia: 250-572-4690
Join our team & make a difference! Join Our Team: Our Parenting Support Circles are for Parents, Grandparents, and other Kinship Caregivers in different communities throughout BC. Our Circles are based on a self-help, peer support model which provides a…
PSS is partnering with Health Canada to bring you a free online info-session on a Healthy Home. Join us January 21 or 22, and learn how to keep your home safe from pollutants, chemical hazards, environmental risks, and more! Sign…
On June 5, 2020, the federal government announced it will be providing a one-time tax-free payment of up to $600 to all persons eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (and the associated Child Disability Benefit for those under the age…