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Announcing new funding from the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program

Parent Support Services Society of BC is pleased to announce that we have received funding under the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. In alignment with PSS’s commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation of Canada: Calls to Action, we will enter into dialogue with Elders and build on PSS’s existing connections with Indigenous communities. The goal of this project is to promote volunteerism among seniors and other generations. Highly trained seniors with backgrounds in teaching, counselling, social work, early childhood education, etc. will have an opportunity to mentor new volunteers. We also strive to unlearn and unpack colonialism throughout the work of PSS.
Thank you to the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for the funding support provided to Parent Support Services Society of BC. It will make a significant difference in the lives of seniors in the community.
For more information, visit New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects.