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The Bill McFarland Award Nominations Due March 1st, 2024

The Bill McFarland Award was established by BC Parents in Crisis Society (now Parent Support
Services Society of BC) in 1997. Over his 50 year career, Bill McFarland was instrumental in the
development of progressive programs, policies and services for children and their families.
His achievements include: founder of the Alberta Foster Parents Association, the National Federation of Youth in Care Networks, and Parent Support Services Society of BC. In addition, he was a member of the Berger Commission, a consultant to the Gove Inquiry, and a recognized expert on the Young Offenders Act. This award honours his memory and his tireless efforts for the care and welfare of all children.
Members of the public are invited to nominate, individuals and companies that have demonstrated Outstanding devotion to the prevention of child abuse over a long period of time, and or efforts related to a project which is making a lasting mark on the welfare of children in BC.
The recipient will be chosen by a committee of our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors
reserves the right to award or rescind the Bill McFarland Award in accordance with PSS policies.
Please fill out the following NOMINATION FORM and submit it by email to with the Subject line: McFarland Award. Nominations are due by Friday, March 1, 2024.